Love Like Jesus
“All three accounts, Jesus had no preempted agenda, no judgment, no condemnation. Jesus didn’t give direction, quote scripture nor even once tell any of them how wrong they were living. No, he went only to demonstrate and show the Father’s unconditional love, plain and simple.”
Day 30-The Key
God has granted us all the things that pertain to life (2 Peter 1:3) We do not have to succumb to the hurts this world dishes out
Healing Humanity
“The decline of humanity is not easily corrected through the installation and establishment of more rules or laws, the decline of humanity is only rectified through a deeper morality through Christ Jesus, only in knowing who we are…”
Open Windows
Togetherness creates harmony and harmony creates the beautiful sound of humanity healing.
But what happens when the noise of all the turmoil, corruption and downright destruction drowns out life? It can be so heavy.
Keep Growing
“In order to grow, you have to let go of some of the stuff filling your time and make room for Jesus. Your joy is found there in His presence and we are ALL searching for joy.”
Salvation Road
My life has been filled with seasons of ups and downs, a compilation of failures, faults and bad decisions. each time i find Jesus there in the dirt with me, lifting me up to try again, because that is how much He loves us.
Even Jesus Wept
This big, beautiful world is already too full of challenges they will face as they progress through life. Mom and Dad are a child’s “go to” for acceptance, protection and unconditional love. You are their safe place.
Miraculous Wonders Everywhere
We look out on the lack, focus on what we don’t have and never stop to consider the possible miracle waiting just on the other side of a little faith…
The Good Shepherds
Those men, after beholding the face of our savior, returned glorifying, and praising God for His love revealed. What does God have for you on the other side of your “yes”?
Being Beautifully You
We open our hearts to His when we open our mouths in conversation with our Abba Father. His purpose in creating us is for relationship and nothing delights Him more than to spend time in conversation with His children.
Beautiful Blooms
Isn’t this exactly how our lives are? We are constantly striving to get to where we want to be, and seldom take the time to stop and see what the expert says. The expert over my life is my Father God and He’s already provided me with the instruction book…