We are ALL the Body of Christ
There’s so much criticism and controversy circulating media right now concerning praise and worship and the doctrines that certain churches are teaching. This grieves my spirit to see this division and I need to put this out here.
Consider this, what better weapon could the enemy use against the church than the church itself. the body as a whole, tearing itself apart bit by bit. Would we really allow the petty differences in the way they teach, the way they worship or the clothes they wear to hinder the message of God? I have to tell you, I can see it, I can see exactly what the enemy has in store here. He’s devising his master plan to dismember the body of Christ, limb by limb. We need each other. We can’t all dress alike, work alike, think alike and speak alike. Our audiences are so diverse because we are all multi faceted, just as He created us to be. We are intricately woven into the tapestry of this big ole world. Look at this church,
wake up and understand that it doesn’t have anything to do with the way the message is delivered. Are we really going to revert back to the days of the Pharisees and Sadducee’s? It has everything to do with the love of Christ working in us, bringing his children to salvation. So at the end of the day, it’s about winning souls for Christ. If that’s happening, I don’t care how it dresses, speaks or wears it’s hair, because I know that the fruit will be the evidence.
Close your eyes and imagine for a moment being one of the individuals that gave their life to Christ during the altar call from any of the large churches that are under criticism right now. Can you fathom the feelings of doubt the enemy is able to plant into their lives through this criticism? This is not the way of Jesus. Please do not discredit their salvation. We need to be careful with our words church, we have the power of life and death within them, we know this.