Exit…last sunset of 2022 beautifully captured in all of its splendor that only God can give.
Enter…2023 with its bountiful harvest!
We planted good seed and now He’s bringing forth the rain for new sprouts.
Isaiah 30:23
I believe it.
I proclaim it.
I receive it.
Our word of the year is PRESENT.
Never have I received such a diversified word.
One definition is “to lay before a court as an object of inquiry.” Merriam Webster
When I read this, I see us presenting our prayers at the feet of Jesus.
I present my requests, yet surrender my will for His.
“Even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.”
Success is in the surrender.
Strength is in the surrender.
Sing His praises in the surrender.
Surrender is the hard pathway, but stay the course.
He is faithful.
Shout for joy at His goodness and all for His glory!
Hallelujah, always!
Credit: @_heykorina
Life is always more beautiful
looking through the lens of Jesus. If things seem to be a bit dark and cloudy, call out His name, invite Jesus in and turn on the light of His love
Recently, I had an echocardiogram…
. Basically, it’s an ultrasound of the intricate functions of your heart. So lying there, I was intrigued by the Rhythmatic motion and sound of my own heart… it was to me all of a sudden, stunningly beautiful, watching my heart valve open and close, working it’s work to keep me alive according to Gods perfectly complex design. With each beat, the valve looks like two little arms with clapping hands in applause, celebrating each push of life giving blood through my heart….I even pointed this out the the technician conducting the test.
I often wonder how one can doubt the existence of God with such intricately detailed, splendor and awe in which our bodies are designed.
Have we really grown so filled with self that we could possibly deny our creator? I pray not.
Always say “YES” to the opportunity. You never know when God is planning a surprise for you.
What does your middle look like? Divorce, job loss, addiction, depression, death of a loved one, sickness or is it lack of motivation, complacency, boredom, stagnant?
Whatever may be there in your middle, know God is with you, right in the midst of it. Know that He is hiding you, tucked in the shadows, under His mighty wing of protection.
Keep believing, keep pushing forward, because that’s the only way to move out of that fiery furnace situation. Just as Jesus was in the midst of the hottest roaring fire with Meshach. Shadrach, Abednego. He faithfully removed them from it and proceeded to promote them. Without fail, because it is written His love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:8 ESV) That day is coming for you, that day when God raises you up out of your middle.