Even Jesus Wept
Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. Did you know that when you were little and someone said to you, “that’s nothing to cry about.” “Big boys don’t cry.” “Big girls don’t cry.” They were wrong? We are human, created in the flesh and have a plethora of emotions to navigate. We all go through emotional turmoil and physically painful situations that can trigger tears. God designed our bodies perfectly to process those responses to bring healing. Our bodies need that release to cleanse and restore our hearts and minds. Haven’t you ever sat and just had a good cry? Do you remember that feeling afterwards, restoring your ability to see things a bit clearer? I consider this release a means of rebooting. Clarity almost always follows. The Word says in Psalm 126:5; “Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.”
What may seem trivial and small to a grown-up you, in the heart of a child appears to be bigger than Mt. Everest. Our job as parents is not to stifle or belittle our children’s emotions, or create shame for this natural response. Our job is to teach and demonstrate to them how to process those emotions in a healthy way. Help your children see the situation or circumstance through eyes of truth so those wounds don’t dig deep and get planted. Allow that release and reboot to heal, just as God designed in them. Help your children understand love covers all things and how very loved they are through compassion and understanding.
Please remember, they are brand new to all of this and rely on you to explain to them what they are feeling and how they can calm the frenzy inside. What is the best way to neutralize and bring calm to their little hearts? Listen. calmly. Patiently. Consider this, when you are upset about something, what do you want more than anything in that moment? To be heard…
This big, beautiful world is already too full of challenges they will face as they progress through life. Mom and Dad are a child’s “go to” for acceptance, protection and unconditional love. You are their safe place.
The health, safety and protection of our children’s lives are our number one responsibility and priority above anyone else’s opinion. The defense of our children comes first. When having a child, this is a God appointed responsibility.
Even Jesus wept. (John 11:35) So, if you are expecting from your child beyond the capacity of the most complete and perfect human to walk planet Earth, I challenge you to examine your heart and realign your focus today. Be Blessed.