Prayers From the Bathroom Floor
Every morning, even before my feet hit the floor, I am speaking to God, thanking him for the new day. I’m convinced I am a much better person if I start the day in conversation with Jesus.
I make my way to the bathroom where I have an east facing window that allows the early morning sun to pour in. It’s in this place I get on my knees at the edge of the tub and fall into intimacy with the Father.
This week Jennifer Dukes Lee posed the question, “What are your thin places?’ She described her place of intimacy as this, “physical locations where the veil between heaven and earth seems very thin indeed.”
My answer was this:
“It may sound strange, but one of my most treasured thin places is the bathroom floor. I believe my bathroom floor is Holy ground.
Bare feet and on my knees.
This is the place I cried out to God for His mercy as I watched my mom, day after day, be consumed by dementia.
This is the place I thank God every day for His protection over my children, my children’s children and all those my heart touches.
This is the place I relentlessly remind Him of the promises I have written in the depths of my heart.
This is the place I lift my voice in praise of those mercies He makes brand new EVERY SINGLE MORNING, without fail.
Faithfully, bring prayers and petitions before the Lord.
“At all times, in the Spirit” Ephesians 6:18
This aligns with Jesus' teaching about the importance of genuine, heartfelt prayer. Praying in the Spirit means allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers, ensuring they align with God's will.
We must understand the very will of God.
We must not allow the enemy to gain a foothold in our life thinking that God’s will could ever be for anything less than for our good.
You hear all the time people say, “well, if it’s the will of God….”
I Promise you, right now, if you are praying and believing for something within the obedience and alignment to the written word of God, it is God’s will.
His will is always for your provision.
His will is always your protection.
His will is always your good health and wholeness, mind, body and spirit.
His will is always for you to prosper and to live a beautiful life.
Never, ever is it the will of God for your life to be filled with depression, sickness, lack, frustration or destruction. These things are not from God, although humanity quite often tends to pass the blame on to Him.
The next part of Ephesians 6:18 says “be on the alert.”
Pay attention, focus.
Focus is mine and Joey’s word of the year, and it’s amazing how so much of this year already has proven to require just this. Focus…
“And with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.”
Petition is defined as, “a request to bring change.”
This speaks to the communal aspect of prayer. We do this, each Sunday. We join together and bring our prayers and petitions before the Lord at His throne during church. This is communal. Our church is a community.
Jesus prayed for His disciples and for all believers.
In the book of John, chapter 17 is all Jesus’ prayer to the Father. He intercedes and prays intimately for His disciples. It is a beautiful record and illustration of the depths of His love.
We, too, are called to intercede for others, demonstrating love and support through our prayers. We intercede for healing, encouragement, strength, guidance, and salvation.
We are ambassadors for others…Through intercessory prayer, lives are transformed by the power of God.
Angels are appointed and aligned for action.
When someone says to you, “Pray for me” and you say “I will” you just signed up to be their ambassador for that person before the throne of God. Think about that. You are praying on their behalf.
With all perseverance.
“Pray without ceasing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Philippians 4:6 says,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
He does mean everything…
Quite literally, I believe.
I one hundred percent believe that my good health and healing is a direct result of a prayer I pray every morning.
This prayer is very specific and I feel lead by the Holy Spirit to share it with you today.
This isn’t a pleasant or easy topic to discuss and is quite taboo, although it should not be.
I’m talking about poop.
The removal of waste from our bodies.
We all do it and our poops tell the story of our health.
Think about it, when our babies are born, this is our first indication of the success of their very lives thriving. We watch and observe their first bowel movements to determine if they are receiving the nutrition and supplements they need to grow. Their poops tell us that all our parenting skills are passing with flying colors!
This does not change as our children get older. We still talk and discuss their poops. We make sure they are pooping every day, ask what color it is, shape, consistency. Do we not?
Come on, it’s not the most pleasant of subjects, but again…. Our poops tell the story of the health of our bodies.
As adults, we should still be observing and paying attention to our poops.
Those same questions we asked our children are the same questions that tell the story of your health.
Every morning I say “the Poop Prayer.”
“Father, thank you for the successful removal of waste and toxins my body does not need and for delivering the good nutrition, minerals and vitamins my body does need for perfect function of each cell, tissue, organ and systems You divinely designed within my body to bring me good health. It is written as Jesus is, so are we in this world. His body is healed and healthy and so is mine.
Thank you father, in Jesus’ name, amen.”
I believe this prayer is powerful.
I believe this prayer is key to great health.
I believe this prayer brings healing.
I believe this prayer is the reason I can say this prayer every morning.
Friend, God wants great things for you.
Jesus said,
“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
He is our rescue when we are worn.
He is our refuge when we need rest.
He is our relief to every concern, every worry and every doubt you keep bottled up tight inside that vessel you call self.
James 1:17 says,
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
Matthew 7:11 says, “So if you, despite being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”
You are His beloved child…. God loves you more than we can think or imagine.
Take these gifts, apply them to your life and let’s start living the beautiful life Jesus died for us to live.