Collect Your Dreams

We are seeking God for His will and direction in 2023.  Churches all across America are participating in a corporate twenty-one day fast and prayer.

We collect our dreams and visions and gather up our goals to establish the new plan of success for this year.  

Do you write your goals down? 

Do you actually pen them out?

Statistics say that forty-one percent of those who do, will achieve their goals within the year, whereas only ten percent make it if they are not written down.  

The act of writing your goals on paper, not only establishes them as real and tangible, but it also documents the course of action to accomplish all you just decreed.  

If that’s not convincing enough, the literal act of writing down your goals form that first impression of a new neural pathway in your brain. 

Each time you hold them in your hands and read them out loud, the deeper you are trenching the likelihood of success.

Goals provide vision, hope, clarity.

Most importantly, God says to.

“Then the Lord answered me and said,

“Write down the vision

And inscribe it clearly on tablets,

So that one who reads it may run.

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time;

It hurries toward the goal and it will not fail.

Though it delays, wait for it;

For it will certainly come, it will not delay long”

Habakkuk 2:2-3 NASB

Write. It. Down.  

All throughout the Bible God encourages people to record their words, record His words because this is how we remember.  

This is how we keep these things forefront in our minds.

Tangible and real.

When writing your goals, choose your words carefully.  You are recording things to come, so speak in future tense. 

Be thoughtful to the fact that you are prophesying.  

Don’t lose sight, stay focused. 

We are all more distracted than ever before in history.  

When we begin to feel overwhelmed…

I pray we are quick to remember where our help comes from.  

I pray we are able to stand firm and steady on the great promises of God.

I pray for success and transformation as we move through this year.  

Let us continue to step forward.  

Let us not stall out. 

Let us not be shaken.  

“It hurries toward the goal, and it will not fail.”


Audience Of One


Make Room for Jesus