It's Ok to be Beautiful!

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Day 30-The Key

I am a builder of things, that’s what I do.

I imagine, create a plan, gather the materials and set out to make it all come together as I picture it in my mind’s eye.

However, if I am lacking the proper tools, making it all come together is a much more difficult task.

I love those pieces of furniture that have to be put together and include instructions that start with the “what you will need” list to get the job done. Too many self-assemble projects that ran into the wee hours taught me well to follow that list, and step by step it will come out just like the picture!

Life has an instruction book. God wrote it all down and gave it to us so that we would know how to live this life successfully if we just follow the directions.

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV it says “ALL Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” and I believe it.

I have yet to find a life circumstance not found and talked about in the Word, complete with the solution.

Too often, we let our troubles grow so big in our mind’s eye, letting them block our vision line of God and become overwhelmed. We speak things like “I don’t know what I’m going to do” “It’s not fair” “I should just give up” “It’s the worst!” “Things will never change!” Well no they won’t, not as long as your focus is on your problem and those negative words are spewing out of your mouth.

The Word tells us that whatever we speak will be, that our tongue holds the power of life and death, peace or destruction, prosperity or despair, joy or depression, health or sickness, our choice, our words,

our responsibility.

Our responses need to be fully considered so they may only encourage, lift up and positively influence others through the love of Christ in us. In order to do this, we will need those proper tools we just talked about.

God has granted us all the things that pertain to life (2 Peter 1:3) We do not have to succumb to the hurts this world dishes out, we are Jesus’ righteousness and heir to the throne of the one true “King of kings, Lord of lords. I abide in Him and He is faithful to shelter me in the storms of life.

We defeat the enemy the same way Jesus did, by audibly speaking forth the promises of God from His Word.

Dress up in that full armor of God He has given us. Fasten the belt of truth, put on that breastplate of righteousness, shoes on your feet and take up that shield of faith. Place the helmet of salvation on your head and pick up your sword of the Spirit. All of these are the most valued tools for success. (Ephesians 6:13-17)

Get going, fully dressed my darling, and shine your brightest today!”

passage From
It’s Ok to Be Beautiful!
Lori A Potts